A shot from our Valentine’s Day trip to Disneyland. There are many more on my flickr page and now off to the links.
- The Beehive has 25 thing that I hate about Facebook. Funny video [Beehive]
- If you every wondered what those Apple Geniuses or Geek Squad employees do with your computer, here is a little insight via Macenstein.
- Watched this one when it aired, but Consumerist has a post about Jon Stewart destroying CNBC.
- Mint.com has how the new stimulus plan may actually help homeowners in trouble. [Mint]
- Next we have TechCrunch seeing Twitter as a Search Engine and how Facebook is fighting back, but Jon Stewart is just trying to figure it out via LifeHacker.
- Unplggd has how to remove your online identity and if you ever wanted to go off the grid, check out Tim Ferriss’s post about the book Emergency.
- If you have not done your taxes yet, LifeHacker has a post about getting the biggest return you can. Everyone needs more money right now.
Have a great weekend and make sure you are watching Extreme Makeover on Sunday night.